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MEGA R - Natural Dietary Supplement Capsule for Men (4pcs)

21.95 € 20.88 €
Dostupnosť: Všetky produkty skladom
Hodnotím produkt
Číslo produktu: 5999862394028
Cena dopravy:
2.99 €
Predpokladané doručenie: 18 jún 2024
Výrobca: Mega R
Počet vernostných bodov: 1


MEGA R capsule - natural dietary supplement capsule for men (4 pcs.) A casual capsule for REAL gentlemen What is the Mega-R capsule good for? It can also be used with light alcohol consumption It can have an effect within 30-45 minutes from receipt Better sexual stamina is achieved You can postpone the length of acts Regeneration between two acts may be shortened It is made with natural ingredients, so it has no known side effects Ideally, its effect can last for several days (2-3). Valid OÉTI notification number: 32343/2023 Important: Do not exceed the recommended daily consumption amount! Do not take the product if you are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients! Application suggestion: For adults, it is recommended to take 1 capsule daily with 2 dl of liquid, preferably on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before intercourse. Important: the capsule cannot be disassembled, but it is also effective. Active ingredient in the daily dose (1 capsule): Ginseng 150 mg, of which eleutheroside 1.2 mg; Rose root 150 mg, of which rosavin 4.5 mg; Devil's thread 100 mg, of which polysaccharide 45 mg; Cinnamon 50 mg, of which polyphenols 15 mg Ingredients: Powdered Ginseng root extract (Panax ginseng), powdered Rose root extract (Rhodlola rosea), gelatin, 10:1 devil's thread fruit extract (Lycium chinensa), powdered Cinnamon bark extract (Cinnamomum cassia) WARNING: It is not recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The dietary supplement does not replace a mixed diet and a healthy lifestyle. The preparation cannot be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. The product cannot be taken under the age of 18.

Farba telová farba
Funkcia výživový doplnok
Dostupnosť Na sklade
Vôňa neutrálna
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